eLos WRA (Wrinkle Reduction)
WRA is a gentle, comfortable treatment requiring no downtime. Many patients return to normal activities immediately after the treatment. Cooling of the skin’s surface provides enhanced safety and additional comfort.Most patients will have between 3-5 sessions typically 3-4 weeks apart. The best results are seen 3-6 months post completion with maintenance every 6 months. Most patients see gradual and cummulative results throughout the WRA (Wrinkle Reduction) skin treatments. The total number of required treatment sessions depends on the patient’s skin condition.The Wrinkle Reduction laser procedure is well tolerated by most patients without any topical anesthetic or other means of analgesia. The treatment tip is chilled so it provides contact cooling to the skin surface for added comfort.Any medical aesthetic procedure has risk of side effects such as superficial blistering, crusting, and pigmentary changes in the skin. These risks are rare and usually quickly resolved.
Book your FREE skin consultation now. Call 604-496-5114