What is the best way to avoid skin dryness due to frequent handwashing?
- While soap and water rinses bacteria it also strips the natural protective oil in your skin. Make sure to avoid hot water but instead use lukewarm water.
- Do not rub hands with towel when drying your hands as it may irritate your skin. Instead you can air-dry and pat it with soft cloth or paper towel.
- While your hands are slightly damp apply hand cream or ointment (you want to seal the moisture so leave a little bit of dampness in to your skin after washing). Creams that are fragrance-free and those that contain petrolatum or mineral oil are better.
- We prefer hand cream than lotion because cream has higher percentage of oil therefore it’s a better choice for dry or very dry skin.
- If you’re using hand sanitizer, let it dry first and apply hand cream immediately after. British Columbia Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) recommends alcohol based hand rubs and sanitizers which causes the skin to dry therefore you need to moisturize after applying sanitizer or hand rub.
Hope this helps.We will answer more of your questions in the coming weeks.
Keep safe and hope to see you very soon at Melanin!!